We started a new, every other year tradition this fall by doing an overnight camp at the Kiwanis’ Camp Wa-Ri-Ki on the Washougal River. Some 65 students grades 9-12 and five MST staff made the trip. We had a blast playing games, doing a scavenger hunt, tie-dying, eating s’mores, and generally just enjoying each other’s …
Tag: field trip
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/09/camp-wa-ri-ki-overnighter-24/
Sep 26
All’s Well That Ends Well: Ashland 2019 Recap
The Camas High School MST Magnet program (50 students and 5 staff) took a field trip this past weekend to Ashland, Oregon, the home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, to see productions of Alice in Wonderland and Hairspray, as well as participating in a workshop on Saturday morning with OSF staff. The trip was a rousing success! A special …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2019/09/alls-well-that-ends-well-ashland-2019-recap/
Apr 14
Much Ado About Ashland 2019
Friends, Papermakers, Magnetos, lend me your ears! The CHS MST Magnet program will travel to Ashland, Oregon next September, 2019, to attend performances of Alice in Wonderland and Hairspray as well as participate in a workshop. We will miss all of Friday 09/20/19, leaving about 9:00 AM that day, TDB and finalized in the fall. …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2019/04/much-ado-about-ashland-2019/
Sep 25
All’s Well That Ends Well: Ashland 2017 Recap
The Camas High School MST Magnet program (50 students and 5 staff) took a field trip this past weekend to Ashland, Oregon, the home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, to see productions of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Shakespeare in Love, as well as go on a backstage “multimedia” tour. The trip was a …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2017/09/alls-well-that-ends-well-ashland-2017-recap/
Sep 20
Final Ashland Update
Good Afternoon, Ashland Crew! We are less than two days away from our departure for Ashland. Please review the important reminders below to make sure you know where to be, when to be there, and what to bring and expect for our trip. For the complete itinerary, load this document: Ashland Final Itinerary 17.18 Important …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2017/09/final-ashland-update/
May 22
Imagine This!
This past weekend about 28 of our freshmen and sophomore Magnetos and four MST staff loaded up the big yellow limousine and took the long sojourn to Washington State University to compete in the annual Imagine Tomorrow science competition. Our students did very well this year. If you’re not familiar with the event, the organizers …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2017/05/imagine-this-2/
Apr 17
Much Ado about Ashland 2017!
Friends, Papermakers, Magnetos, lend me your ears! The CHS MST Magnet program will travel to Ashland, Oregon next September, 2017, to attend performances of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Shakespeare in Love, as well as go on a backstage “multimedia” tour. We will miss most of Friday 09/22/17, leaving somewhere around 2nd period that day, TDB …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2017/04/much-ado-about-ashland-2017/
Oct 23
Study abroad? Learn a language? Free, you say?
Here are a couple of scholarship/study opportunities that you might find intriguing … In retrospect, by the way, I personally wish I would have done something like this (as scary as it would have been to leave the comforts of home) when I was in high school and/or college. I did travel and live abroad …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2015/10/study-abroad-learn-a-language-free-you-say/
Sep 22
All’s Well That Ends Well: Ashland Recap
Well, Ashland 2015 is in the can, so to speak. We returned to CHS about 6:15 PM Saturday after a whirlwind, 36 hour journey to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. We packed in two plays (Guys and Dolls, Much Ado about Nothing), a prologue, an interactive discussion with actors from Guys and Dolls, and we even …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2015/09/alls-well-that-ends-well-ashland-recap/
Sep 17
Final Reminders/Tips for Ashland
Good Morning, Ashland Crew! We are less than 24 hours away from our departure. I’ve recently updated the itinerary to reflect a little earlier of a departure time from Ashland on Saturday morning. The most recent/final version is here: http://goo.gl/dgxoer. Also, we still have a need for donations of breakfast/snack items for the trip. If …
Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2015/09/final-reminderstips-for-ashland/
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