
Admissions Portal / FAQ

Welcome to the Admissions Portal for the MST Magnet Program!  Please review the timeline, student characteristics, and eligibility requirements to learn about our admissions process.

If you are in the process of preparing to apply, follow these steps to get started:

  1. Request Recommendations: You should request recommendations via our online Student Recommendation Request Form as soon as you’re sure that you’re going to apply.  Waiting until you submit your application often doesn’t leave enough time for your recommenders to get the job done in the way you’d like them to get it done.
  2. Prepare Online Application: The actual application will go live in late January or early February. In the meantime, preview the Admissions Application Questionnaire and gather the information you’ll need for the responses.  Consider drafting your responses in a document then cutting and pasting into the online application.  Many students choose to wait until we’ve had our annual parent/student info night until they submit. Once you start the application, you won’t be able to save it and come back to work on it at a later date. Finally, be sure to submit your application by the deadline listed on the Admissions Timeline below. There’s no special consideration given to earlier applications, so take your time and compose a quality application. There is no rush.  Please note that we don’t accept/consider supplemental admission materials sent on behalf of students since we’re trying to keep our process standardized and completely fair and transparent.
  3. Take Admissions Test: Make plans to take the admissions test on the date listed on the Admissions Timeline below.

Admissions Timeline

4/10/25 6:30-7:30 PM Parent & Student MST Magnet Info Night / Webinar Online via Webinar
4/21/25 4:00 PM MST Magnet Admissions Applications DUE Via online forms
4/22/25 4:00-7:30 PM MST Admissions Testing: logistics and details TBD CHS North Commons
4/22/25 4:00 PM Teacher Recommendations Due Via online forms
4/24/25 By appointment Make-up Session — MST Admissions Testing; Parents Transport Specific location TBD, but at CHS
5/12/25 4:00 PM Admissions Decisions Announced Via email

Student Characteristics

The Camas High School MST Magnet is looking for students who demonstrate the following skills and behaviors:

  • High ability, aptitude, and interest in math, science, and technology;
  • A desire to engage in research and project-oriented learning;
  • Ability to persevere when faced with complex problems;
  • Ethical behaviors in all aspects of learning;
  • Creativity, resourcefulness, and ability to contribute to the structure of their own learning experience;
  • Ability to be self-sufficient, to follow through, and to produce high-quality work;
  • A willingness to work in a team-oriented environment;
  • An interest in refining their oral, written, and visual communication skills; and
  • Aspirations to strengthen leadership skills and contribute as a citizen of the 21st century.


Eligible applicants are current eighth grade students. The selection process includes a review of overall GPA, an entrance exam, a completed application, and four recommendations.

Of the approximately 30 positions available within each cohort, initial slots will be reserved for eligible Camas School District (CSD) students; however, entrance for students from outside the CSD is possible if space is available.

Admissions Criteria

  • Completed Online Admissions Application Questionnaire
  • Completed Online Teacher Recommendations (Mathematics, Science, and English faculty required, along with one more recommendation from an adult of choice).  Applicants initiate the recommendation process by filling out the Student Recommendation Request Form. Prior to filling this out, students should have access to the email address for each of the four recommenders.
  • Please note that we don’t accept/consider supplemental admission materials sent on behalf of students since we’re trying to keep our process standardized and completely fair and transparent.

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