Much Ado About Ashland 2019

Friends, Papermakers, Magnetos, lend me your ears!  The CHS MST Magnet program will travel to Ashland, Oregon next September, 2019, to attend performances of Alice in Wonderland and Hairspray as well as participate in a workshop. We will miss all of Friday 09/20/19, leaving about 9:00 AM that day, TDB and finalized in the fall. As usual, we’ll stay at the Ashland Commons Youth Hostel and take over the entire establishment, with the guys in one area, the gals in another.  We should be back to CHS by about 11 PM on Saturday night, 09/21. How much fun is this trip? In our exit interviews with graduating Magnet students, this experience is often cited as one of their favorite Magnet memories. So don’t miss out on this every other year opportunity to build community with us and see professional live theater in a spectacular setting.

This year we have slots for 50 students. A block of about 15 slots will be reserved for the incoming freshmen, with the rest of the slots going on a first-come-first-served basis to other interested Magnet students. The cost is $190/student, which covers transportation, lodging, two shows, and a Saturday morning workshop with OSF actors and staff. We do have need-based scholarships available. Contact Mr. Greene if you’d like to look into this. Payment can be made to the CHS ASB office by check or cash before school, during lunch, or after school. If you’re a current CHS student, you also have the option of paying for this online with a credit card (3.5% service fee):

After you’ve paid for and secured a spot, please download the Ashland Perm Slip and return it to Mr. Greene in room 710 at CHS or via email.

P.S. This trip usually sells out very quickly. If you miss out on getting a spot and would like your name added to our wait list, please email Mr. Greene to let him know ASAP. He will create a list of students (based on the order in which they notified him) who will be contacted in the fall if someone is unable to go on the trip.

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