Tag: seniors

MST Senior Symposium 2024

On December 9th, 2024, the Magnet senior class presented their summer internship work and projects to the Camas School District school board and community at the Zellerbach Administration Center. After the poster fair, staff, students, and community convened for the regular school board meeting to hear formal presentations of internships by seniors Yuna Lee and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/12/mst-senior-symposium-2024/

2024 MST Research Symposium Recap

What a pleasure it was, indeed, to see all four grades of our program together again on May 22nd, for our 17th annual MST Research Symposium. Students presented their work informally in the CHS Main Commons before migrating into the theater for formal presentations and awards. Speaking of which, we offer a hearty congratulations to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/05/2024-mst-research-symposium-recap/

You’re Invited: MST Research Symposium ’24

You are cordially invited to our 17th annual MST Symposium on Wednesday, May 22nd, at Camas High School. Our 9th, 10th, and 12th graders have spent considerable hours on their research this year and would love to show you what they’ve accomplished. The first hour (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm) will be an informal showcase …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/05/youre-invited-mst-research-symposium-24/

MST Sr. Williams Gains Santa Clara Full Ride

MST Sr. Madi Williams recently earned the prestigious Johnson Scholarship to her self-declared dream school, Santa Clara University. She “competed” for six hours with other students, including the writing of a timed essay. This full academic scholarship includes a $10,000 research stipend awarded to only five students. She will be rowing for Santa Clara as …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/04/mst-sr-williams-gains-santa-clara-full-ride/

MST Sr. Crowell Named Amazon Future Engineer!

Congrats to MST/CHS senior Ayla Crowell who was recently named as a recipient of the 2024 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship! In her own words, “I filled out their application a few months ago with essays about my goals for the future, my idea to solve a problem I saw at CHS, and my experience as …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/04/mst-sr-crowell-named-amazon-future-engineer/

MST Senior Crowell Earns Cooke College Scholar Award!

Congrats to MST Senior Ayla Crowell who was recently named as a recipient of a prestigious scholarship award. Cooke College Scholars are selected based on exceptional academic ability and achievement, financial need, persistence, service to others, and leadership. Students must be current high school seniors residing in the United States. Scholarships are awarded without respect …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2024/01/mst-senior-crowell-earns-cooke-college-scholar-award/

MST Senior Symposium 2023

On December 11th, 2023, the Magnet senior class presented their summer internship work and projects to the Camas School District school board and community at the Zellerbach Administration Center. After the poster fair, staff, students, and community convened for the regular school board meeting to hear formal presentations of internships by seniors Shiven Friedeman and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2023/12/mst-senior-symposium-2023/

We’re Back! MST Symposium 2022

What a pleasure it was, indeed, to see all four grades of our program back together last night, May 25th, for our 15th annual MST Research Symposium. Students presented their work informally in the CHS Main Commons before migrating into the theater for formal presentations, awards, and a musical performance by the graduating seniors. Speaking …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2022/05/were-back-mst-symposium-2022/

You’re Invited: MST Research Symposium

We’d like to cordially invite you to join us for the 15th annual Camas High School MST Magnet Program Student Research Symposium, on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022, in the CHS commons and theater, from about 6-7:45pm. At this event, students from grades 9-12 will present their research findings from this year’s study of a wide …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2022/05/youre-invited-mst-student-research-symposium-2/

MST Sr. Sunny Wang Named STS Finalist!

The Society for Science announced earlier this week that CHS/MST senior Sunny Wang has been named a top 300 Scholar in the 81st Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) —the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors. Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers the most promising young scientists in the U.S. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://chsmstmagnet.com/2022/01/mst-sr-sunny-wang-named-sts-finalist/