We love hearing from our graduates and seeing how the varied paths they diverge onto after graduation take them to great places near and far. Last week we heard from 2017 CHS/MST graduate Jason Kim who was excited to share a personal update and an unexpected but serendipitous reunion he recently had with another 2017 CHS/MST grad. Who better than he to relay this in his own words?
“Just wanted to share a cool update/coincidence. After graduating CHS in 2017, I went off to study undergraduate at Princeton while Nathan Chilian went off to study at the military academy at West Point. While at Princeton I joined the Army ROTC program and was commissioned in 2021 as an Infantry Officer. Similarly, Nathan also commissioned in 2021 as an Infantry Officer and we both were sent to Fort Benning, GA for basic infantry officer training (though at slightly different times). In February, however, we both started the Army’s Ranger School at the exact same time and were put in the same platoon and ended up going straight through and graduated together today. Just thought I’d share this fun example of two magnetos going off on two diverging paths only to meet up together at the same time and place unexpectedly!”
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