MST Breakfasts Return after 2.5 Year Hiatus

In a “typical” school year we have two MST parent sponsored breakfasts. During the first semester, we usually have one on the Friday before winter break. The second semester breakfast usually takes place on a Friday before AP exams begin. Our last breakfast was about two and half years ago, in December 2019. You know the reason why.

The joy in the faces of students, staff, and parents was evident on Friday, 04/29, as we met before school in rooms 507 and 508 to scarf down pastries, casseroles, and various savory and sweet treats donated by the MST parent group. It was a welcome celebration and gathering after a long break from the fabled MST breakfasts. Thank you to the MST parent group for coming to our aide to revive this beloved tradition. And best of luck to all as we head into the AP testing next week and beyond … Cheers!

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