In December of each year we host a smaller version of the full-blown, 9-12th grade research Symposium we put on in May of each year. This mini-event is a presentation of the undersclassmen’s first phase of research. We enlist the help of our upperclassmen and recent graduates who act as panelists to offer constructive feedback in our efforts to help them develop their work and prepare for phase II of their second semester projects.
This year’s graduate panelists, spanning the Magnet graduate classes of 2012-2015, offered insight gleaned from 4 years of CHS MST Magnet work, not to mention undergraduate experiences from their new alma maters: Stanford, UCLA, Cal Poly, University of Richmond, Western Washington University, BYU, and Seattle Pacific University. Their participation in this activity is the perfect illustration of our team approach to learning about research and refining our ability to present our findings. Congratulations to all of the freshmen and sophomore presenters, and a hearty thanks to the grads for donating their time and expertise in developing our “Magnetos”!
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