MST Senior Symposium 2024

On December 9th, 2024, the Magnet senior class presented their summer internship work and projects to the Camas School District school board and community at the Zellerbach Administration Center. After the poster fair, staff, students, and community convened for the regular school board meeting to hear formal presentations of internships by seniors Yuna Lee and Alex McNutt.

Ms. Lee conducted an internship at the Oregon Health Sciences University. Here’s an overview of her research focus:  “A frankenbody is a synthetic protein created from a main protein body with a hexahistidine tag (also known as a HisTag), biotin, and BirA. The development of a frankenbody would simplify and speed up the procedures in the lab and reduce lab spending exponentially, as it would provide a quick way to access target proteins without having to purchase them through a third-party business. This research aimed to optimize the production and purification of a frankenbody by evaluating two strains of Escherichia coli, T7S and BL21, to determine which was more effective in generating and isolating the target protein.” Poster: Developing a Frankenbody to Probe for HA Tags on Specific Target Proteins

Ms. McNutt interned with Professor Atul Ingle at Portland State University. Here’s a synopsis of her work: “The stereo vision system utilizing the HP Intel RealSense camera was developed to enhance depth perception in low-light environments by generating accurate disparity maps. This system operates by capturing images from two perspectives, using stereo lenses and an infrared projector, and calculating the disparity between corresponding points to produce a 3D depth map. My research focuses on optimizing the Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) algorithm, a technique that enhances accuracy by scaling pixel values for improved robustness in challenging lighting conditions.” Poster: Developing an Optimized Computer Vision Algorithm for Disparity Map Generation in Low Light

Congratulations, Seniors, on completing your internships and moving one step closer to graduation!


Mr. Greene and the MST Staff

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