CHS/MST Program Featured in IT Promo Video

The MST Magnet program had the rare opportunity this past fall to be interviewed for a feature documentary being produced to highlight the opportunities and challenges in STEM education as we move into the 21st century.  Our contribution to Imagining Tomorrow: STEM and the Future of Work is just a fraction of the overall video, but It’s very well done and worth a look if you’re interested in this topic.

Among the many insights and potential future shifts gleaned from the research for the documentary, these four stood out to the directors and producers:

1. Succeeding by Failing – utilizing more trial and error and scientific method.
2. Extended Conversations – fostering career connected learning face to face.
3. Students Leading – encouraging self-directed student programs and projects.
4. Learning to Learn – emphasizing process, problem-solving communications.

How will we meet these challenges and opportunities? Hmmmm.

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